
All-in concept

De steel market changed drastically because of the worldwide change of the economic situation. The effect of this change are very small margins. Companies are now challenged to reduce costs.

Mheerstaal is a customer-oriented company. Our many years of experience and knowledge are both corner stones to understand the difficulties our clients nowadays have to face. Therefor Mheerstaal changed its formula to an all-in concept with the motto WE ACT - YOU WIN


  • Extensive intake with the client of the product
  • Find the right materials
  • Find the right treatment centra
  • Handle all logistics
  • Financing
  • Quality control and inspection during the whole process
  • Continuously inform our clients
  • Follow up our agreements


  • On start-up costs
  • On financing costs
  • Higher margins
  • Time for your core business

Mheerstaal will deliver the product at the requested conditions at the client's desired location ready for assembly. Soon Mheerstaal will offer also installation on location. For this service, Mheerstaal currently is looking for the right partners. Continue to follow the news on this site.

Mheerstaal stands for knowledge – quality - reliability - flexibility